Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sober Day #32- First Holiday/Vacation without Wine

Today it is official!  Thanksgiving without wine, and a week's vacation in New Orleans without wine.  Truly a Milestone for me.

These are the things I did to help ensure my No Wine success this week:

(1)  As soon as we arrived, I stocked up on flavored seltzer water and diet soft drinks.
(2)  I permitted myself food treats this week that I usually steer clear of- my usual diet is No grain, No sugar- and this week I had some of both.
(3)  I arranged distractions of Non-Wine things I enjoy:  crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzle, new embroidery threat, a quilt that was done except for hand-stitching the binding, a large stash of magazines and a few new books, etc
(4)  I enlisted the help of a few trusted folks- DH, one sister, my nephews- to help distract attention from me if there were questions about my not drinking.  DH was kind enough to refrain from ordering any alcohol when we ate out.
(5)  I took my kindle with me to social gatherings, and occasionally excused myself for a few minutes of Reorientation by Book.
(6)  I invented the Detail Game:  When I feel disoriented or regretful about no wine, I refocus on my surroundings.  I challenge myself to notice at least 10 details that I haven't seen before.  This turns out to be fascinating:  from cracks in the ceiling (a la Madeline in Paris?) to a carved wooden edge to the table I'd never noticed, to a column of caged oyster shells at the restaurant-  this approach seems to add a richness and grounding.

What do you do to help set yourself up for No Alcohol Success?


  1. I can't wait to do the Detail Game. It fits my temperament to a tee! As do crosswords, jigsaws, and quilting. I do best when my hands and brain are occupied with things other than a glass of vodka and obsessions :)

    Keep posting!

  2. Great tips! I love the detail game, too. A good way to bring you back into yourself and into the moment. Cool. :)


I'd love to hear about your journey, and hear your take on my journey. Comments are very welcome!!