Friday, November 22, 2013

Sober Day #24- Alcohol and Routine and Travel

For the last 24 days, I have been at home, settling into my normal routine:  Normal work hours, normal school hours for daughter.  I am getting used to the rhythm of this, and each evening without wine is a little easier than the next.  But a new challenge is coming up.

Tomorrow we leave to spend the week of Thanksgiving in New Orleans. I've spent a fair amount of time there, although I've never lived there.  We love the city, and it is where we eventually plan to retire.  BUT- it is definitely the land to Big Eating and Big Drinking!!!  I certainly plan to take advantage of the Eating- but I do not plan to drink.  I mean, I will not drink.  And this will be new, and possibly difficult.  Usually when we spend time in New Orleans, we get right into the routine of a lot of great food and great drink.  I'm not sure if approaching this routine with a major change- no alcohol- will be hard or not.

DH has decided he will support me by not ordering wine or beer for himself when we are eating out.  He loves his glass or two of red wine each evening, so I really appreciate this help!  (And he is one of those who has his two glasses of wine, and switched to Fresca- no problem.  sigh.)

I've been noticing at home that I am more aware, more noticing of little details of delight- tastes, sounds, smells, etc-  that I would in the past zip by in my hurry to get to the next glass of wine.  There is so much to appreciate in New Orleans-  I am hoping the richness of the new appreciation of my senses and surroundings will compensate for the 'loss' of the rosy glow of wine.  


  1. Carrie, congrats on day 24, and best of luck with the New Orleans trip. Stepping out of routines can make not drinking a little harder, for sure. But I think you're right, taking this as a chance to be aware of your travel in a different way than you would frames the trip differently, a new way of being somewhere new. Have fun, and happy thanksgiving!

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    2. Thank you! And thanks for dropping by. As Einstein said: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." So looking at this trip as a Trying thing Differently is pretty much keeping me from getting depressed at no wine!

  2. You can do this! Consider it an experiment - if you really hate New Orleans sober, you can always go back :) But I'll bet good money you won't!

    Congrats on Day 24!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks, Ginger. I'm thinking you may be right- and am mostly approaching the trip as a great experiment rather than a 'jail sentence' of no wine. Stand by for a report later next week!


I'd love to hear about your journey, and hear your take on my journey. Comments are very welcome!!